Silence & Order - The Daily Rhythm ~ Summer Edition
Jun 03, 2024“Life has a way of confusing us, blessing and bruising us… be joyful even when our hearts lie panting on the floor.” ~ Fiddler on The Roof
So far this year has been quite interesting!! In February our youngest son got engaged and my Mother in-law died. In April, my friend's husband lost half of his right leg after contracting an infection, a friend returned home from prison, and my Father in Law died. In the midst of all of this, and the numerous daily obstacles that the Lord permits, I can easily see how the women who I have the privilege to coach can be thrown off course by LIFE!
Of course, the Lord has me and all of us in the palm of His hand - yet, sometimes it all just seems so overwhelming! During this first half of the year I have been journaling this little gratitude point consistently: "I am grateful for my daily rhythm where You calm my heart and mind that I may continue to praise you evermore."
As the season turns to summer here in our home, the schedule doesn't really "slow down" but it does relax. Days are longer and the sunshine brings so much cheer, warmth and invigoration. With the longer days, there are more walks through our little neighborhood with our dog, a stop here and there to chat with a neighbor who is watering their yard, or a pause on a bench in one of our little neighborhood parks.
Some of you may read that and say... "Well, that sounds great Betsy but I am waaay too busy and tired for that! " or "Must be nice to be able to walk daily" or "I would give anything to take a leisurely walk once a day let alone twice!"
Are you yearning for a little "space" in the day for prayer? leisure? productivity? consistency? Would you like to have a daily rhythm that supports a healthy lifestyle? A rhythm that curbs the chaos?
If so, keep reading..
In 2020 (you remember... the health event!!) that was the year I discovered that I really did not have a daily rhythm. By the time June rolled around I felt like a HOT MESS and things in the world were actually much slower than they are now. Regardless, I was ALL OVER THE PLACE - unorganized office, piles of papers, disheveled schedule, empty fridge, too many meals lacking nutrients... At the end of June it all changed! God moved me during prayer with the words: I know the rhythm of your days! I made a DECISION right then and there to change.
How to begin creating a daily rhythm
Many women who I coach along with friends and family will often comment: "Betsy, how do you do all the things?!" My first response is what do you mean by "all"?
This is where you start: list what your ideal day includes.
For me, it started with bed time. I discussed my need(s) with my husband and he agreed... something HAD to change. We started with our bedtime & pre-sleep routine. First, we chose a bedtime that would support an early wake-up: for us that's 5:15am. After we established the bedtime we got to work!
Next, I began to track my time in 30 minute increments. I used a time tracker chart for 7 days to see where and how I was using my time ( I recommend this practice at least 3x/year: before Lent, beginning of summertime, and before Thanksgiving/Advent).
After assessing how I was really spending my time I began to make some decisions. Some of them were hard, some were easy.
With my time tracker and little journal in hand I started to design my daily rhythm - first, my pre-sleep routine and then morning, mid-day, afternoon and early evening.
What a Daily Rhythm looks like
A Daily Rhythm takes several weeks and sometimes a few months to establish. We must, as women realize that our nature is to nurture. Why do I mention this? Well, because we will consistently put our needs on the back burner and rush to the needs of everyone else before addressing even our own basic needs. Remember the oxygen mask analogy? We are asked to put ours on first before helping another with theirs. How can we possibly give away what we do not have?
Summertime is a GREAT place to begin to design your daily rhythm! Once you have your daily rhythm in place and consistently implemented, making small necessary adjustments with the seasons becomes simple and you will begin to see how you do have time for important and necessary things and when "urgent" things pop-up you are much better equipped to be present to that need.
Here's what my Daily Rhythm" consistently looks like during the summertime:
Dinner between 6-7:30pm Includes making, eating and cleaning up dinner.
Evening wind-down 7:30-9pm Includes an after dinner walk, quiet reading, family rosary, foam rolling and stretching.
Pre-Sleep Routine 9-10pm Includes cosmetic self-care, FEMM charting, set out clothes for morning workout, prep kitchen for morning, start dishwasher, refill dog's water, take dog out for the last time, brain dump on paper, review next day's schedule with husband, power down screens, pray novena prayers and Roman Martyrology.
Morning between 5:15 am and 9:00 am Includes 60 min workout, prayers, morning devotion with husband, breakfast, feed dog, easy chores, water garden, tidy garden, discuss day with husband, shower.
Daytime between 9:00a.m. - 12:30pm Includes office work, seeing clients, a morning walk, some chores, time blocking for specific appointments and work deadlines.
Afternoon between 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Includes lunch, more office work, more time blocking, appointments, 5 minute action.
Early Evening between 4:00p.m. - 6:00 pm Includes research and follow up emails, wrap up office, 30 minutes of leisure time (hobby time, reading time, phone family or a friend time)
How to Maintain a Daily Rhythm
The daily rhythm is a comforting and consistent place of peace, silence and order in our home. Our sons are grown, however, they know the rhythm and they respect it -- this isn't rigid it's a guide. It isn't a checklist it's a method. Our daily rhythm is a healthy boundary that cultivates order in our spiritual, physical and material lives... I sure hope it does the same for you and your family!
This process is best re-visitied at least three times per year. Certainly, according to your family and/or work schedule
Our God is a God of order... He just may be calling you to order, calling you out of the chaos. Let us stop fearing the silence and the order and embrace the peace and joy that comes with order and boundaries (for you moms out there who are harried and frazzled... it's time to learn how to say no to the good so you are free to say yes to the BEST for God, your family and yourself!).
Get Started Today!
Are you ready to get to experience the freedom in a daily rhythm? If so, shoot me an email at [email protected] and let me send you a time tracker - and may you begin to enjoy the rhythm of your one amazing life!!
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