REST - 2025 ICW Word of the Year
Jan 02, 2025
Rest is an elusive term and an elusive action. In a world where we are expected to be thinking about the next "thing" during each waking moment we can rarely "rest" in the present moment.
This year, 2025, Rest, is our community Word of the Year! During 2025 the Integrated Catholic Woman community will be taking intentional steps to integrate a rhythm of rest into our daily lives. By definition Rest as a verb means: cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength. We might even consider rest as pausing for a nap or slowing down to take in some scenery. As a noun it means an instance or period of relaxing or ceasing to engage in strenuous or stressful activity - we could think about things like a coffee break or an afternoon stroll.
Rest doesn't always mean sleep
Since the creation of the Integrated Catholic Woman in 2015 I have given many talks and presentations on rest. Identifying the restful things we already do in our lives is the first step. For some women rest is a hot cup of tea and a good book or a 30 minute walk. When I was running marathons a 5 mile easy run was one of the most restful things for me and my mindset (sounds crazy, right!?).
Resting in the Lord
As Integrated Catholic Women embarking on this New Year let's consider what we are already doing in our daily rhythm(s) and then ask ourselves a few questions as a way to discover where we can begin to develop a daily rhythm of rest:
+ How do I cultivate a gratitude mindset?
+ When faced with obstacles in my life (financial, physical, spiritual) how do I respond? Restlessness, self-reliance or faithful surrender?
Resting in the Lord mindfully can look like:
+ Starting a gratitude journal (or picking up one you started last year)
+ Praying an Act of Hope daily - this prayer is voluntarily expressed trust in God's goodness, based on faith, whereby a you declare your confidence that what God promised He will also fulfill. Here's the Act of Hope I frequently use: O my God, relying on your infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of your grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.
- How do I physically rest?
- What types of rest can I incorporate into my daily rhythm(s)?
Resting in the Lord physically can look like:
- Taking time to have a quiet cup of tea
- Taking a walk
- Turning off the phone (or screens) 60 minutes before bed
- How do I prepare for prayer?
- When I am faced with a choice of whether or not to rest, how do I respond?
- When I am worried or distressed I... (Examine your answer, take it to God and invite Him to help you discern if your response to worry/distress is ordered.)
Resting in the Lord soulfully can look like:
- In the silent moments of your heart & mind use a scripture to focus. Like: "Be Still and Know I am God."
- Cultivating a rhythm of rest with little times in your day taking a seat, looking up from your phone - be still -- sometimes motion adds to the commotion.
- Intentionally smiling in your daily work.
Let's enter into the REST that Our Lord desires for us - when we rest well we can surely be ready for what He has for us today!
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