Easter is Here! Celebrating the Octave with a Resurrection Mindset
Apr 19, 2022
He is Risen and so have we! Let us follow Him into the fullness of life which He desires for each of us! Lent now gives way to Easter! All of our penance, prayers, and sacrifices will bear fruit as we lay it all down at the feet of our resurrected Lord!
It sounds so beautiful doesn't it? Well... it is!! Laying it all down is a DAILY thing for me. Beginning the day in His Word, laying it down and letting Him carry me is the most healthful thing I can do - sadly, as the day progresses I find myself picking up those "things" and falling back into my self-reliance habit. Thankfully, He is gentle and merciful with me as I begin to recognize through the promptings of the Holy Spirit that I am not alone and that He desires to assist me in my Easter journey.
The Resurrection Mindset is a daily decision (and sometimes a moment by moment decision) to live in Jesus' love and provision - throughout the Octave and beyond.
Here are a few suggestions from my own practices that may help you in cultivating a Resurrection Mindset too:
Mind: Spending at least 15 minutes in silence each morning during the Octave.
Body: Do the "Easter: Resurrection" Class in the Pietra Fitness OnLine Studio.
Soul: Pray the Rosary Daily with this intention: "Lord, come to my assistance. Lord, make haste to help me".
I pray that you will truly live this Easter Octave with a Resurrection Mindset and that this will take you through all 50 days of the Easter Season... and when you arrive at Pentecost you will come alive in the Spirit which He has poured out in you!
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